Friday, August 31, 2007

Dresden, Germany

I was quite surprised at how Dresden turned out. It was bombed flat during WW2 and aside from some scorched bricks here and there you really can't tell. The original structures were pretty much restored. The infrastructure was so modern and efficient - even more so than every North American city I have seen of similar size. The city looked brand new and it was very clean as well. Amazing how fast unification improved the standard of living. I was also quite surprised at how friendly everyone was and how inexpensive the food was. Many thanks to Jenn for showing me around (even though she just moved there a week or two prior to my arrival to work at Max Planck) and for suggesting biking to the Czech border together! I've never biked so far before (~60km) - fortunately the way back was by boat + train :).

1 comment:

Nikki ( said...

heya joe.
i was interested to read that you found Dresden to be so beautifully restored...i've lived here two months now, and while the old city looks as good as new, well as good as old, the rest of the city strikes me as being more than tragic...where there were once beautiful grand stone buildings you now find parking lots, empty lots, highways, communist concrete box architecture. how long did you stay? the bike ride to czech though, great choice.
