Sunday, October 24, 2010

Shenzhen III, China (Summer 2010)

Alas my summer position came to a close, and back to Canada I went. Actually living in Shenzhen gave me the chance to really get to know the city as opposed to my previous visits.  It's a complicated city that is roughly double the population of Hong Kong. Mainland Chinese, Taiwanese and Hong Kongese alike have sought to make their fortunes there, and one must keep in mind that 30 years ago, Shenzhen was hardly more than a fishing village. It's no surprise then as to why Shenzhen is the way it is. It has its positive and negative aspects - the food is fantastic, the scenery nice, and the climate not too bad, however the raw capitalism and commoditization of people is sometimes downright demoralizing and depressing. Bottom line - if you're looking for culture in the 'New China', go to Beijing. If you're looking for sophistication, go to Shanghai. If you're looking for the Chinese equivalent of Las Vegas, you've found it in Shenzhen.

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