Saturday, September 5, 2009

Louisville, Kentucky (09/03/2009-09/05/2009)

To be honest, arriving in Louisville I was almost afraid that I wouldn't have much to say after leaving given:

1) I was exhausted from running around Chicago like a madman;
2) Most of my time here would be taken up by RA's wedding; and
3) I didn't expect to see much given I'm not really into baseball or bluegrass

Fortunately, life seems to continually surprise me. Louisville was quaint, but was still a proper city; 'Southern' [yes, I know it's not in the deep south] hospitality is certainly still around and present in the most unexpected of places; and for a city I expected to be quite homogeneous and segregated (as Washington, DC certainly is), it was quite culturally diverse, and not nearly as bad as I had expected. In fact, just as I arrived they were setting up a World Fair featuring cuisine, music, and other traditional performances from 20-odd countries right next to my hotel.

Of the few things I did get to see, I most enjoyed Mohammed Ali's museum. It was quite impressive to see how he used his boxing as a platform for charity and social change - something I was quite ignorant of beforehand. This is another city I wouldn't mind returning to again.

1 comment:

kindred2k said...

Best to "keep moving" before that Automatic Door gets you! ;)

As always, a very informative description of your trip. I can't wait to visit even 10% of the places you have, some day!

- Ryan.