I ate haggis every single day in Scotland and it was good. Deep fried Mars bars are great! I really need to hit the gym after 6 weeks in Europe, especially with such delicacies. Now Edinburgh is a great old cultural city with a huge history of sanitation problems. The town was decimated by plague and they used to throw sewage on the streets nightly at 10pm, co-incidentally (or not) the same time pubs closed. Fortunately these problems are long gone and it is a very very nice city with friendly people (unlike Glasgow from what I hear). Had a chance to explore the highlands a bit and even rent a bike for a little expedition to the oldest pub in Scotland! It was nice meeting up with Victoria whom I went to high school with. How random is that! Oh and before I forget.. that castle below, it's from Monty Python and the Holy Grail; "I faaaaart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!" Yes, that one.
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