Ah Yokohama, the third largest city in Japan, yet its proximity to Tokyo meant that I've overlooked it in my past two trips. This time I would get to see it in its full glory thanks to my attending SIGGRAPH Asia 2009. This also marks my first time in Japan for business purposes. Having my company's fledgling budget in mind, I decided to stay at one of Yokohama's "famous" business hotels - before and after pictures attached :).
These 4 brief nights were quite action packed both within the conference and outside. At SIGGRAPH I was exposed to a great number of new 3D technologies, graphics techniques, and yes, even robots. I suppose part of this was due to 'augmented reality' being the buzz-word of the year. I met people from companies we all know and love, made some good in and out-licensing contacts, snatched a few neat pieces of swag, and got to meet both an android and a JPop star & actress in the process. Not surprisingly a few of my old demoscene friends attended as well, and we got a chance to catch up after [for some] 15 years.
Aside from the conference, Yokohama is famous for its port, parks, museums and scenic Chinatown - so I had to see all four. I finally managed to catch one of these elusive cosplay events that we all hear about, and the concept still baffles me, but it made for some good pictures.
I also had a quick chance to sneak away to Tokyo for one evening where I met up with a few old friends from school and other parts. Encountered my first 'theme' restaurant, held on a 'lunar penal colony' in 2999 with alien zombies. Great fun!
Can't wait to come back soon (but I still love Taipei more).